Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Optics Eye

eye exam Totowa Nj
Optics Eye

Optics, a branch of physics, deals with the behavior and properties of light. Those who study optics look into the generation, propagation, and detection of light as well as the interaction of light and matter. This area of study goes back to the days of Galileo, Descartes and Newton and continues to change the world of science today. Because light is crucial in the process of sight, advancements in optics definitely affect the world of eye care. The ability to have a degree of control over light, first seen in the invention of the laser in 1960, has revolutionized the world of eye care and vision management. Optics, from the study of theory to the engineering of new technology, changes the way doctors diagnose and treat the myriad of eye conditions and diseases.
So schedule your eye exam at Totowa Nj and get your  eyes thoroughly examined by our specialist doctors .